Wind Circle is a concept seeking for the possibility of technology and material. When mentioning wind power generator people normally recall the image of a post with a three-blades turbine. However, there is one sort of wind turbine named Darrius type which is able to work in a slower wind speed. In this understanding and optimistic view of the future, I developed an idea of a portable scale of wind power generator with the use of shape memory alloy to build up a foldable fan, which can charge most type of electronic devices in an emergency situation.

Wind Circle是基於尋求技術及材料的可能性發展而成的概念。當提到風力發電機,大部份人所想到的是一台有著三片葉片機組的龐然大物,但在風力發電的葉片設計裡,有一種不常見的葉片形式 -Darrius type 能夠在較低速的風速下運行。基於這些了解以及對未來的樂觀猜測,我設計了一款可攜帶的風力發電裝置並使用形狀記憶合金來製作可摺疊的葉片,在緊急時刻能夠用來充電各種電子設備。
Wind Circle


Wind Circle

A portable wind power generator combining the use of technology and new material
